Genre names

In the Japanese game industry there is a trend, which has existed for decades (since the 70s or early 80s I guess), of creating a new genre for every game. Though these are more like a tagline or marketing copy. Basically just a quick and unique descriptor created to describe a general feeling or vibe […]

Explaining some things, round 2

Just some more stuff to explain. Pretty much completely unrelated to part 1. I was wrong about Death Stranding 2 Over a year ago, I speculated that Death Stranding 2 would offer a totally different gameplay experience from the first Death Stranding. I believed this for reasons I explain in the post, as well as […]

Explaining some things

I’ve mentioned these a couple times before on this blog, but these are probably worth noting discretely since I assume most Anglophone Metal Gear/Kojima fans don’t know. Philanthropy/Fox Engine logo isn’t kanji It’s not a real kanji at least, but an original one created by Kojima Productions. Anyway, it’s actually オタ魂 (“otaku spirit”), so only […]

Machine Fanboy

In the mid to late 00s, PlayStation-exclusive Metal Gear Solid 4 was king — or figurehead, maybe — of the PS360 console war. But despite the game’s posterboyish crown of console exclusivity, MGS4 was also apparently in consideration for release on Xbox 360 and even ran on devkits for the platform, former KojiPro employee Ryan […]

Tactical Eggspionage Action

Look at this trash. What is this? It’s a fucking culinary diaster. “But the cook is like six years ol—” Shut up. No excuses. Everyone knows that Sunny from Metal Gear Solid 4 sucks balls at making eggs, but that doesn’t mean you have to. Just follow this epic recipe devised by a five-star chef […]