Real-time elements in Metal Gear Solid 3

Metal Gear Solid 3 is a highly linear game. The way the player progresses through the maps in the game is actually almost in a completely straight line, which is different from MGS2. The available space in MGS2 becomes more controlled as the game progresses, but many early areas in the game (such as the […]


Despite containing numerous fantasy and supernatural elements, Kojima’s games can still be classified as science fiction thanks to their fairly deep interest in science topics and sociological implications thereof. As well their narratives tend to revolve around scientific concepts, and their aesthetic too (robots with military application, various gadgets, etc). Much of the incidental dialogue […]

Genre names

In the Japanese game industry there is a trend, which has existed for decades (since the 70s or early 80s I guess), of creating a new genre for every game. Though these are more like a tagline or marketing copy. Basically just a quick and unique descriptor created to describe a general feeling or vibe […]

Kojima in the 90s

Three of Kojima’s games were published in the 1990s, those being Metal Gear 2, Policenauts, and Metal Gear Solid. Of these, the only one that really offers any sort of compelling gameplay is Metal Gear 2. As enjoyable as they are, Policenauts and Metal Gear Solid simply don’t have good gameplay. Rather than offering interesting […]

Explaining some things, round 2

Just some more stuff to explain. Pretty much completely unrelated to part 1. I was wrong about Death Stranding 2 Over a year ago, I speculated that Death Stranding 2 would offer a totally different gameplay experience from the first Death Stranding. I believed this for reasons I explain in the post, as well as […]