Been playing some adventure games

Been playing a handful of adventure games lately. One of them is Clannad, which I surprisingly never played until now. Though I dropped it cause it was immensely boring. Though I do have some stuff to say about it and I might do a separate post on it to articulate what about it I thought […]


Despite containing numerous fantasy and supernatural elements, Kojima’s games can still be classified as science fiction thanks to their fairly deep interest in science topics and sociological implications thereof. As well their narratives tend to revolve around scientific concepts, and their aesthetic too (robots with military application, various gadgets, etc). Much of the incidental dialogue […]

Genre names

In the Japanese game industry there is a trend, which has existed for decades (since the 70s or early 80s I guess), of creating a new genre for every game. Though these are more like a tagline or marketing copy. Basically just a quick and unique descriptor created to describe a general feeling or vibe […]

Rusty (old Castlevania-ish game)

I recently completed a 1cc challenge of Rusty, a rather well-known Castlevania-ish game from 1993. Though it may be more accurate to call it a “no game over” challenge since the game doesn’t really incorporate the concept of “credit” per se. Rusty is a pretty interesting game. It adopts a lot of the aesthetic and […]

Game Design is Like Clockwork

Game design is like clockwork. It’s a holistic art, if you want to call it an art. Every moving part needs to work in tandem with every other moving part or things start to fall apart. You can’t just change or swap out elements willy-nilly and expect the bigger picture to still make sense, or […]