Explaining some things, round 2

Just some more stuff to explain. Pretty much completely unrelated to part 1. I was wrong about Death Stranding 2 Over a year ago, I speculated that Death Stranding 2 would offer a totally different gameplay experience from the first Death Stranding. I believed this for reasons I explain in the post, as well as […]

MGSV mission ranks actually make sense

In MGSV: TPP, mission ranks are affected disproportionately by time. If you want an S rank and don’t care how you get it, essentially the only factor you need to consider on most missions is completion time: a quick job is usually enough to net the S regardless of other factors. Unless you call in […]

Yuji Horii is the most similar game creator to Kojima

One designs with pure economy, writes with the clean efficiency of a math problem. The other is a kitchen-sink maximalist, committed to as verbose a vision as you’re likely to find. Yet the two couldn’t be more similar. I’ve said before that Yuji Horii is the single most similar game creator to Kojima, and I […]

How to Go

Except for Snatcher and Policenauts, Kojima’s games are essentially about figuring out how to move safely from point A to point B. How to make a path for yourself is the fundamental challenge of both Death Stranding and the Metal Gear series. Of course the contexts are different, so the execution is too. In Metal […]